Case Study

Human Effect on Earth : Urban Heat Islands

An Urban Heat Island or UHI is an Urban or Metropolitan area that is at a significantly higher temperature as compared to the less...

7 Cities Designed Using Colors

Colour is a form of universal expression. Its different shades and hues spark a plethora of feelings, emotions, and memories. Colors are also ingrained...

Lehrer Architect’s Transition Homeless Housing Project

Homelessness is a growing quandary across the world. In some countries for people without a home, the number of facilities provided to them by...

Urban Ecosystem in California

An Urban ecosystem is a term used to define cities that collaborate with plants, animals, humans in an urban environment. These are the most...

Bamboo Architecture: Green School in Ubud, Bali

The ‘Green school’ in Ubud, Bali has proven to be an inspiration for a global renaissance for cultivating one of the significant trends in...

SEO in 2020: What basics you need to know

Search engine optimization( SEO) is turning extremely important for business irrespective of the field. SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a process...


Artificial Intelligence is a branch of engineering that is not new in the field of computer science. It is a well-known fact that almost...

VODAFONE ; Tilts towards a probable collapse

Vodafone – Idea, India's second largest telecom organization might be set out towards liquidation except if the government dials down on requests for portable...

Is Facebook Pay Safe ?

Payments People already use payments on facebook to shop, donate to causes and send money to each other. Facebook Pay makes these transactions easier while...

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