Top Benefits of SEO for Businesses You Need to Know

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Benefits of SEO for Your Business – Check This Out

SEO – Search engine optimization is one of the most important elements of digital marketing and rightfully the hottest trends in the last few years. 

So what’s all this buzz about SEO? How beneficial is this? Should you be opting for it? Here are all the answers. 

SEO is all about optimizing your web pages on search engines like Google to be able to rank higher on the results page. 

It has transformed the way you reach your audience and build credibility on search engines which are the most-used platforms. 

To learn more: Online SEO Training with Experts in under 8 hours! 

Now, let’s look at why you should be learning SEO and applying it to your business today! 

  • Organic

SEO is purely organic. That means, there are no paid exchanges. It’s all about making genuine efforts and optimizing your web pages to be able to gain visibility on search engines. 

It’s no secret that almost every person of all ages use search engines for all their queries. Whether it’s about purchasing something new, finding a piece of information, news, or even looking for the meaning of certain things. 

So if you employ SEO correctly, you will be ranking in the top results for absolutely no cost! 

  • Intent-based

So why is it so important to rank higher on search engines, especially Google? One of the main reasons is that this platform has highly intent-based users. Someone looking for “red Nike shoes” is highly interested in purchasing them. 

So there’s no need for you to hard-sell to these users or convince them. All you have to do is make sure you rank on all the search queries related to your business either via a product page or an article, etc. For example, if you’re a business selling a pair of jeans, all your product pages/articles on jeans should be optimized for queries like “best jeans blue”, “buy jeans online”, etc. 

  • Increases Traffic 

When you start gaining more visibility and higher ranks, the traffic automatically starts increasing because people tend to click on the first few results themselves. And you’ll be surprised to know the number of people looking for basic queries. 

If we look at the previously mentioned example, the search volume for the term “buy jeans online” is a whopping 2,900 per month! Can you imagine if you rank on such terms, how many impressions and clicks will you garner in a month itself? That’s the power of SEO. 

  • Shows Credibility 

Have you ever questioned the results that Google presents to you for every question you have? I think not. That’s because Google is a very trustworthy website and the quality is very high. All top results websites are automatically considered credible and trustworthy due to the trust people have in Google. 

Hence, this will help you establish yourself as a trustworthy and credible business in the eyes of your consumers and every new user that bumps into you on Google. 

  • Generate Useful Leads

A hidden benefit of SEO that not many people are aware of is that it’s a really good way to generate leads and increase your converts in the long run. When your articles start ranking, you can add forms or downloadable content upon registration which is highly useful for readers. 

This helps you increase your database and pass it on to your sales team for further communication. These organic leads are way more likely to convert than the ones that are acquired using paid methods. 

To summarise, 

SEO has really great benefits that every company must leverage to their advantage. You can either learn SEO yourself from the course mentioned above or hire SEO experts to do the job for you. 

There are many SEO agencies who also get the job done but you need to be very careful as not all of them stick to their promises since SEO is not as easy as they make it sound. So the best way is to definitely learn it yourself so that you can monitor their performance closely. 

Another great idea would be to take up an online digital marketing course and upskill yourself overall to master all skills individually and learn how to integrate them into your business and with each other as well. 

Before we leave, here’s a related article that you could be interested in, so definitely check it out – Scope of Social Media Marketing

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Karan Shah
Karan Shah
An ‘Edupreneur’ and the founder of IIDE – Indian Institute of Digital Education. He is a passionate public speaker and teacher for over 10 years. He has trained over 1,00,000+ students and 25+ corporates in Digital Marketing via online and offline channels. He is a Harvard alumnus specializing in E-commerce. He is a TEDx speaker and is a visiting faculty at India’s top management institutes like the IIMs.

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