
WhatsApp Privacy Features

"WhatsApp stops security, privacy features every individual needs to know. Want to keep your WhatsApp account secure? Here's something you need to know!" Verification: From videos...

Misconceptions about DNS over HTTPS

A new internet protocol is making headlines globally: DNS over HTTPS. Even though this is of significant interest, especially for organizations but regular users...

SpaceX’s New Launch Project – STARLINK

WHAT IS STARLINK? Starlink is a satellite constellation being developed by American organization SpaceX, to give satellite Internet access. The satellite body is worked off...


INTRODUCTION The Telecommunication Industry and its specialists have accused numerous researchers for being discreet about the harmful effects of mobile phone radiation from their latest...

Blockchain : A Secure Digital Identity

We all leave comprehensive digital footprints whenever we transact online. The more platforms we use, the more digital traces we leave. Internet platforms process...

GoodbyeDPI- Passive Deep Packet Inspection

Ever wondered why we cannot access certain websites? Well, here's everything you need to know about what causes that to happen. How some of...

AllenNLP- A Millennial Venture

PREVIEW One of the key standards of a decent learning procedure is to continue learning things a little over your present comprehension. On the off...

Cryptocurrency: A New Age-Phenomenon

Does the word "Cryptocurrency" sound familiar? Have you heard it, seen it, read it at various places but still don't know what it is...

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