The Escapists [ PlayStore Game on Sale ]

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Dive in the multi-million selling prison escape game, which now includes another prison in the latest update; “Duct tapes are forever”, which transports The Escapists to the secret world of spies, evil villains and tuxedos.

Craft, Steal, Brawl and ESCAPE!

You’ve landed yourself in prison again, and your only chance is to engineer an escape by any means necessary. How you do it is up to you! Why not cause a prison riot? Or dig a tunnel right under the walls of the prison? Or even steal a guard uniform to blend in with your captors?

The Escapists is a unique prison sandbox experience with lots of items to craft and combine in your daring quest for freedom. Life in prison will keep you on your toes with the strict rules that you’ll have to break. The guards are out to stop any escape attempts, so you’ll have to avoid suspicious behaviour by attending roll calls, working a prison job and hiding your stolen craftables.

Escaping is what you do best, and you’ll have to prove your skills in a variety of challenging prisons from across the world, with new prison escape “Duct Tapes are Forever” included in the latest update.A villainous boss is determined to track down and capture all the spies who consistently scupper his plans. Take control of a tuxedo-clad super spy as you find yourself trapped his lair.

Become an Escapist now!


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