What is Ruby on Rails, and What Is It Used For?

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Ruby is a popular programming language that’s used to develop web applications. It would help if you also learned about Ruby on Rails (RoR) when talking about Ruby. RoR is an open-source framework that enables developers to build dynamic websites quickly using the Ruby programming language. It can be used to develop different kinds of web applications, from simple blog sites to complex applications. 

This article will talk about RoR, its benefits, and when you can use the framework. 

What Is Ruby?

To know what RoR can do, let’s first talk about Ruby. Ruby is a general-purpose programming language created by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto. It’s a scripting language that can be used for front-end development and back-end development. Ruby is known for its simplicity, and some programmers prefer to code using Ruby because of its high-level syntax. It’s easy to write concise and readable code using Ruby, even for a beginner. 

What Is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails is a framework that allows developers to use Ruby for developing web applications. The name itself reflects that it’s built upon the Ruby programming language. RoR is not just a toolkit — it’s a complete solution for developing web applications. When developers utilize RoR, they can harness Ruby’s power to create powerful applications.

RoR uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, a software design pattern for developing apps. This pattern is widely used in web development because it helps separate the business logic from the presentation layer. The separation makes it possible to change one without affecting the other, simplifying the development process.

Benefits of Ruby on Rails

Ruby consultants and developers agree that RoR has made web development faster and easier. Here are some of the benefits of RoR and why many developers like using this framework:

  1. High productivity

The MVC architecture makes it easier to develop robust and scalable applications using RoR. Because RoR takes care of most of the heavy lifting, developers have less work to do when it comes to coding. RoR already provides a structure for all the code that developers write. As a result, developers can spend more time creating better and more useful apps. 

  1. Cost-Effective

RoR is cost-effective since it’s free and open-source. In addition, the community behind RoR provides support and guidance at no cost. There’s also a wealth of online resources if developers run into any problems or want to expand their knowledge. 

  1. Scalable

RoR makes it possible to scale your app quickly. Since it’s based on the MVC architectural pattern, it’s highly modular and flexible. RubyGems, which are plugins for adding features, also make developing with RoR even easier. You can add new features to your app without worrying about breaking existing functionality. 

  1. Secure

Since the RoR framework already has all the necessary security measures, it’s safe to say that RoR is secure. If you’re looking to build an application that needs to handle sensitive data, RoR will help ensure that your users’ information remains private. 

Uses of Ruby on Rails

Now that you know more about RoR’s benefits let’s look at its common uses.

  1. E-Commerce Platforms

E-commerce platforms can be pretty complicated to set up. However, RoR makes it easy to create e-commerce sites quickly and effectively. This framework includes features that allow you to add photos and descriptions for products. Popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify are built using RoR, so you know that it works well for this purpose. 

  1. Social Networking Sites

Many people turn to social networking sites for news, entertainment, and communication. Building a social networking site using RoR offers flexibility and scalability. The framework can help developers provide a better user interface and security, vital elements for a successful social networking site. 

  1. Live-streaming Platform

Live-streaming platforms allow users to broadcast their activities in real-time. They also allow viewers to comment on what they see or hear. You can use RoR to build live-streaming websites with ease. The tools in the framework can help you quickly develop applications that stream videos. 

  1. Software as a Service (SaaS)

The SaaS model is one of the fastest-growing business models today. It involves software companies providing services over the internet instead of selling products directly to customers. With RoR, you can build apps that offer SaaS solutions because of its developer-friendly framework. 

  1. Mobile Apps

Mobile applications have become extremely popular in recent years. They’ve been used to access banking accounts, shop online, and communicate with friends. RoR makes it easy for developers to build mobile applications for smartphones and tablets since it already has default structures needed for creating apps. 

The Bottom Line

RoR is an excellent tool for developers because it provides many benefits. The framework is easy to learn, scalable, and secure. Plus, RoR comes with many prebuilt components that can be customized or extended, making RoR a versatile solution for web and app development.

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