The past few months have been quite a rollercoaster ride for all of us. COVID19 pandemic did bring a lot of challenges to each one of us. Covid19 instilled in us a fear of our present and worry about our future. This entire period has been a mix and match of joys, sorrows, struggles and hustles. We have all learnt new things, probably a new skill rediscovered a new thing about ourselves, gone back to a lost hobby or learnt to make new changes in life.
Struggles of maintaining social distancing and coming in terms with the lockdown have been a challenge. Hustling to keep up with the job and the WFH – Work from home is another challenge. For some, it was the challenge to not step out of the house whereas, for some, it was a challenge to step out and reach home- a safe place. Even worse is some might have lost loved ones to this pandemic. For them, it was a struggle to come in terms with this loss and restructuring family life.
Whatsoever, everybody is now awaiting answers to many questions and the most important one is – When will Corona Virus end? We are still contemplating if there will be ‘normalcy’ again?
Is this the new normal?
While hoping for things to resume back to the normal, we also need to give a thought that ‘Maybe this is now the new normal will be’. This shall pass and things will be better, no doubt, but the normal we are longing for may not be the same. This pandemic has taught us a lot. Things will be different around us post the Covid19. We will see more safety measures and restrictions on travel and tourism. Our idea of ‘celebration’ and ‘going out’ will change. But the new normal will be a mix of pros and cons. While the idea of the outing will be limited and restricted, there will be added quality to the family time.
How do we adapt to this?
Lockdown was new to us, we adapted to it. Social distancing was new to us and so was using sanitizer and masks. Still, we incorporated these habits in our daily life. It was surely difficult initially, but now this has become a way of life. As far as it is for our good and better future we will have to adapt to these changes. ‘Acting now will be preparing for tomorrow’. No one has answers to all the questions that have been bothering each of us. Adapting to the changes and having a positive outlook is going to help us to rebuild a strong and safe future for us.

What to continue after the pandemic?
- Up-skilling. This pandemic gave us a lot of time to rethink about what we are doing and what we want to do. Thus helping us to upskill and learn skills to be future-ready.
- Health & Hygiene. This period is the most when we all were concerned about our hygiene and habits. We must continue to be conscious of our habits and practices. We do not need a pandemic to make us realise the importance of hygiene.
- Empathy & Helping others. Not everybody is of the same privilege as we are. We got to have a close look at the pain of migrant workers and the underprivileged. Most of us helped others in ways we could best in our capacity. Uplifting each other is important. Even without a situation like this we can help others in society and show empathy towards the poor.
- Valuing money. The pandemic showed us a bad time of how the economy could tumble down so easily. Hence from now on it must be on our lists value money more and use it judiciously.
What to stop right away?
- Being ignorant. We should probably read more or be informed on our surroundings and about safety in COVID as well as in general scenarios. Do not think that your immunity is too strong to have the virus.
- Thinking that technology is not your cup of tea. Everybody need not be ‘tech-savvy’, but having a basic knowledge of the digital platform is essential. We have seen how ‘digital’ was the only way of interaction we had in this pandemic.
- Barging out in public once lockdown is relaxed. Please note that lockdown has been relaxed as a measure to save the economy and not because the pandemic has ended. Thus avoid mass gatherings. Limit your stepping out and go out only if necessary.
- Think that Work from home has disrupted work-life balance. While it is true that work from home has added a few extra hours to your work. But also be thankful that it has saved on time, money and risk involved in commuting. Maintain a schedule like you would in office and work with the same diligence and focus. Though this does not mean that work all day.
- Being negative. Last but not least. Do not lose hope, this too shall pass.