Stay Safe from Cyber Threats in Wired networks!

Stay Safe from Cyber Threats in wired networks!

From infiltrations on the network to data breaches and phishing, online threats are varied, and they don’t discriminate organizations and individuals when victimizing. A cyber attack is a malicious threat act victimizing your system encryption or system data. Today, the term is used exclusively to describe information security matters.

network switch cables

What are Cyber Threats?

Definition: The possibility of a malicious attempt to damage or disrupt a computer network or system.

Dating back to the 1950s, ‘cyber’ referred to as Cybernetics – a science of understanding the control and movement of machines and animals. The 1990s, relating to ‘cyberspace,’ defining an invented physical space, which people believed existed behind the electronic activities of computer systems.

A more straightforward way to describe is, a cyber attack is an attack that is mounted against our systems by means of cyberspace. Cyberspace, a virtual space that doesn’t exist, has become a metaphor for helping us understand the digital nuisances and weaponry used to harm us.

In definition, the threat is defined as the possibility of attempting to gain access to a system. Today’s cybercrime landscape is diverse, and the threats typically contain one or more attacks. The top five common cyber threats are listed below:

  1. Social Engineered Trojans
  2. Unpatched software (like- Java, Adobe Reader, Flash)
  3. Phishing
  4. Network traveling worms
  5. Advanced Persistent Threats

Other similar attacks include – Phishing, Trojans, Ransomware, Botnets, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Malvertising, Data Manipulation, Theft of Money, Wiper Attacks.

Source of Cyber Threats:

Identifying a cyber threat actor is a time-consuming thing, which requires precision and specialization. The cybercrimes are continually evolving, but the threat actors remain the same. There is always a human element attached to an attack and a motive behind these malicious vulnerabilities. Most common sources of cyber threats include:

  • Nation-states or national governments
  • Terrorists
  • Industrial spies
  • Hacktivists and hackers
  • Business competitors
  • Organized crime groups

What is real and what is virtual, there is a drastic difference between them. The intent of the attacker for a potential impact is merely for nuisances. Some turn out to be quite severe, and some even potentially threating human lives.

Cyber threats are also associated with wireless networks not being secure. Today, where one can notice a scenario of organizations switching offices or coworking spaces, the sockets and wiring are left as per the requirements of the new places.

Threats associated with ethernet ports:

  1. Port accessed by outsiders, creating chances of hackers connecting and gaining access to your organization’s internal network.
  2. Beware of your laptops getting connected to the ethernet port.
  3. Lack of easy methods of authentication or encryption also boosts the threat.
  4. Weak passwords are easy targets of the network’s resources.
  5. Attackers connecting devices like routers, printers, ATMs, etc.

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Ways to improve wired network security:

  1. Perform auditing and mapping: While performing, if you encounter or find some specific vulnerabilities which will turn out to be useful for both small and big companies. By scanning you, the process will produce a network map or diagram informing you if an attack has taken place.
  2. Keep the Network up-to-date: Once the auditing and mapping is over, consider dicing deeper by checking firmware or software updates on all network infrastructure components. Sooner you shall look for all the computers and devices connected to the network, ensuring basic care by not connecting any external device. Make sure the firewall is active, the antivirus is running, and the passwords are set.
  3. Consider address filtering: One of the significant issues is the lack of quick and secure authentication and encryption method. Address filtering can be the first layer of security; it won’t stop the hack but will help you prevent an employee from causing a serious security breach.
  4. Use VPNs to encrypt PCs or servers: If you are looking for secure network traffic, consider using encryption. It might make more sense to encrypt selected communications termed as sensitive to encrypt first. Passing the sensitive traffic through a standard VPN, making it further secure.
  5. Physically securing the network: Physical security of the network is as crucial as the Internet facing Firewall. Which means you not only have to protect the network from bots, viruses, against hackers but also against local threats like plugging in the router to the ethernet. Try and prevent the outsiders from entering the premises or even connecting to the network. Ensure that the ethernet cabling is running out of sight and isn’t accessible.
  6. Disconnect unused Ethernet ports, physically switching the router.
  7. Encrypt the entire network: It’s the best way to stay protected. The encryption process can be quite a burden on the network. But the rates will drop dramatically.

Even if a powerful group targets a company, it is still possible to protect critical digital assets. It takes planning and commitment of resources, which can be attained from the top most serious cyber threats.

The best way to avoid running security problems due to connections is not using it at all. The steps mentioned above shall minimize the so-called attack if your yourself be protective against it, and chances are you might stay out of trouble.

Are you interested in knowing more about cyber attacks? Head towards the security awareness section for more information.

Previous Coverage:

  1. WhatsApp Bug: Exploitation using MP4 Video Files
  2. Magic: The Gathering, Confirmed leak of hundreds of thousands of Player Data
  3. PIPKA: A new JavaScript Skimmer found in e-commerce

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An Architect by profession & practice, Pranita is a keen observer and specialises in content, visualisation, and presentation. Cyber attacks & Architecture Technology in the far more technologically-advanced world made her realise that there is a lack of necessary awareness among people. Hence, keeping you all updated and protected by all means with subjects from Architecture Technology to Security Awareness. Currently working as a Head of Content, content writer & creator at BLARROW.TECH

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