Design Trends Shaping Future Architecture

Architecture is more than just art; it defines the time and characteristics of the culture. Keeping an eye on the current emerging trends is important as it helps to understand the future development and current needs of society. Here are a few of the very popular trends of architecture that are changing the ways urban design.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality allows designers to push the boundaries of visualization, giving clients new ways to experience the building or space around it before it is actually built. With virtual reality, you immerse yourself in a 3D virtual environment and can even interact with space. It gives the true sense of scale, depth and special awareness that can not be compared with the traditional renders or physical models. A VR experience with a head-mounted display (HMD) can fool your senses into believing what you see is actually real. The sensation of being actually inside a building makes virtual reality a very powerful tool for communicating design to the user.

Augmented Reality (AR)

AR is the copied view of physical, real-world surroundings that are generated by computer sensory input. It takes the existing environment and adds unreal 3d designed elements to it; in case of architecture, a 3D model into the real world. With advance augmented technology, the real-world becomes interactive and can be manipulated digitally, independent of camera images. AR in architecture and construction projects involves placing a 3D model of the proposed design on an existing virtual space which is a copy of the real world.

The idea of augmented reality will provide a more accurate view of what will be built, reducing the chances of errors or mistakes that could have cost a lot of money and wastage of time. It provides the ability to see through walls which helps in understanding technical installations and complex geometry.

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3D Printing

3D printing is a quick way in architecture to create physical models. A real object is always better than visualization on a computer screen. It saves time of creating a model and shaping it by hand. A huge advantage it offers is the freedom of form. Traditional ways allow you to quickly create boxes, but a curved object is always a serious challenge. A 3D printer lets you print highly detailed designs and all the complex elements.

3D concrete printing is developing rapidly, offering efficient and time-saving construction techniques to the user. It is used to fabricate buildings and construction components. It will have wide advantages in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The technology makes it possible to build most unique and complex forms of design more efficiently than conventional ways.


The expression “sustainable architecture” is spreading in every field of design and architecture. Sustainability helps in constructing buildings that could limit environmental impacts, achieve energy efficiency and could improve the lifestyle of inhabitants. Designing sustainable architecture means taking fundamental elements like orientation, shading, sunlight, natural ventilation, domestic and renewable energy systems into consideration. Materials have evolved in a way that could interact with the natural environment and can be reused or recycled. Sustainability is a requirement rather than just a characteristic.

Verticality and Compact Living

The rapid increase in urban density has made the availability of land a major constraint. High rise buildings and compact living is the response to this current scenario. The concept is not just limited to buildings. Vertical agriculture is the new evolution that allows crops to grow with less impact on the surroundings. Many proposals have been made for the construction of a whole city in one vertical building. Living in a small space is a growing trend and need of today’s world. The main reason for people to move into a compact home is lack of space and high real estate prices.

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Pre Fabricated Materials

Prefabricated materials are manufactured off-site and later transported to the final location. These materials mainly include wooden, metal and concrete construction components all assembled at site. It helps in building a strong, high-quality structure in very less time. Prefab materials prove to be very sustainable and affordable. It minimizes the number of laborers, machines, and equipment on the site.

The future of architecture will be sustainable and organic. Innovative advances have made it possible for us to re-think some outstanding structure types, giving us an openness to creating any form and fluid designs.

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Shreya Jindal
Shreya Jindal
Shreya Jindal is an Architecture student from MBS school of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. She has an avid interest in learning about new advances and innovations in the field. According to her, Architecture is a lot about understanding the psychology of the built form and the people and surroundings around it. She has tried her best to reflect the same in her writings and is hopeful that readers will be inspired by how architecture evolves living.

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